Remote Control Codes For Avera TVs

In the dynamic landscape of home entertainment, optimizing control systems is crucial for a seamless experience. Avera TVs, renowned for their quality, present users with the convenience of universal remote compatibility.

General Guide

Programming your universal remote for your Avera TV doesn’t have to be complex. Follow this general guide to optimize your TV control:

  1. Power On
    Begin by turning on your Avera TV.
  2. Simultaneous Button Press
    Press and hold the relevant buttons on your universal remote simultaneously. Refer to your remote’s user manual for button identification.
  3. Code Entry
    While holding down the buttons, enter the designated code for your Avera TV, ensuring the correct digit length.
  4. Verification
    After entering the code, verify the connection by testing basic functions like adjusting the volume or changing channels.
  5. Code Storage
    If the verification is successful, press the appropriate button to store the code. Typically, the indicator on your remote will confirm successful code storage.

By following this guide, users can enjoy a unified control experience for their Avera TV, regardless of their chosen remote control system.


Beyond stellar display quality, Avera TVs boast compatibility with universal remotes, setting them apart. This compatibility simplifies integration into diverse home entertainment setups, enhancing user convenience. The key to unlocking this potential lies in understanding and utilizing the designated remote control codes.

Remote Control Codes

Let’s begin by understanding the codes that empower Avera TV users to streamline their control systems. These codes, categorized by digit length, serve as the linchpin for integrating universal remotes with Avera TVs:

Armed with these codes, users gain the flexibility to choose based on their specific universal remote system.


Can I use the same codes for different Avera TV models?
Yes, the provided codes are generally applicable to various Avera TV models.

How do I know which digit code to use for my universal remote?
Check your universal remote’s user manual to determine the required digit length and select the corresponding Avera TV code.

Can I program multiple universal remotes for the same Avera TV?
Yes, you can program multiple remotes as long as you follow the correct programming sequence for each.

Do these codes work for other brands of TVs?
No, these codes are specifically designed for Avera TVs. Other brands may have different remote control code requirements.

What should I do if the programmed remote isn’t working correctly?
Double-check the entered code, ensure proper alignment during programming, and consult your remote’s manual for troubleshooting steps.

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